Management Principle

Group Management Principle

The Group has inherited the principle and policies of the Bank of Kyoto for its management principle and management policies, and to facilitate their realization, we newly established the Group’ code of conduct on the occasion of our establishment of the Kyoto Financial Group, Inc.
We will continue to contribute to the greater prosperity of the local community and the development of local industries by leveraging our customer base, trust and credibility that the Group has built up until now to change to a better direction.

Management Principle

Serving the Prosperity of the Community
-Drive community growth and create the future together-

Management Policy

Trust of the community, customers, and employees

We provide high quality, innovative and comprehensive services consistently

Trust of society and the market

We strive to enhance corporate value through responsible corporate activities

Action Guidelines

Face everything with sincerity

We will face everything with sincerity and continue to be a trusted partner

High aspirations

We will meet your expectations on the strength of each individual’s high aspirations and ability to make quick decisions

Take on the challenge to reform

We will see social change as an opportunity for reformation that connects to the future, and enjoy the challenge